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Seamlessly Verifying Identities In Your Industry

Streamline customer onboarding, secure verification process, ensure regulatory compliance, and fight fraud.

  • KYC and Identity Verification
  • AML Screening
  • Liveness Detection
  • Age Verification
  • Biometric Authentication
  • Address Verification
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Growing investor interest has led to higher risks of money laundering and identity fraud. Fraudsters are exploiting the loopholes in company’s cybersecurity systems using forged documents or stolen identities. Given the extensive scale of account takeovers and wallet fraud, crypto identity verification plays a vital role. Robust identity verification solutions can assure companies with reduced fraud and losses.

We help you ensure:

  • Online identity verification in real-time
  • Customer onboarding in seconds
  • Fraud Prevention & data security
  • Compliance with regulatory mandates (AML/KYC)
industries crypto
industries forex


With millions of transactions taking place online without any geographical boundaries, forex platforms have become a gainful sector for cybercriminals. Considering this, they are in a dire need of identity verification solutions to manage risk and fight fraud effectively. A comprehensive suite of ID verification services can help to detect suspicious activities and combat financial crimes. It further ensures seamless identity verification with enhanced Customer Due Diligence (CDD) and Know Your Customer (KYC) process. This can aid them to deter money laundering risks and therefore preventing financial, reputational damage.

We can help you to:

  • Automate identity verification
  • CTF and AML compliance
  • Expedite customer onboarding
  • Mark high customer acquisition
  • Reduce business costs


Online game operators need to perform identity and age verification to prevent underage players/fraudsters from accessing age-restricted content. With more players spending billions, gaming platforms have become a prime attraction for fraudsters to commit money laundering and other illegal activities. Accurate document verification is required to prevent fraudsters from using stolen identities or fake documents to create accounts or hack existing ones. Operators need to integrate firm identity verification solutions to ensure regulatory compliance and enhanced user experience.

We enable you to leverage benefits of:

  • Faster identity verification
  • Simplify KYC/AML compliance
  • Age verification
  • High sign-up rates
industries gaming
industries wealth

Wealth Management

Companies dealing in financial markets have to consistently keep up with regulatory obligations and compliance needs. It is vital for wealth management companies to streamline identity verification process, detect potential fraudsters by identifying suspicious activities, and screen PEPs and sanctions lists. They further need to secure customer data and maintain transparency to establish customer trust.

We help you:

  • Build online trust
  • Deliver regulatory compliance
  • Onboard customers quickly
  • Improve user-experience
  • Global coverage


Fintech companies essentially need identity verification services for conducting secure, successful transactions in real-time. Digital identity verification makes it easier for customers to access digital wallets and other financial services. It enables companies to reduce the threat to malicious attacks that could ruin the business reputation and cost thousands of dollars. End-to-end KYC solutions additionally help to fight fraud, improve the customer onboarding experience, and offer utmost digital security to clients.

Reach us to:

  • Accelerate customer onboarding
  • KYC solutions & CDD
  • Improve account openings
  • Lend better user experience
  • Detect high-risk transactions
industries fintech
industries travel


The threat of data breaches and stolen identities is much common across the travel industry. As the industry has shifted to online platforms, accurate identity verification is of great importance. Further, customers of the digital era seek instant processes, swift onboarding, and frictionless experience at their convenience. They expect to attain transparent services and enhanced data security.

Get our ID verification services to:
  • Onboard only legit customers
  • Safeguard customer’s data
  • Improve user experience
  • Prevent credit card fraud


Rapid digitization has made the transportation sector an easy target for cybercriminals to commit fraud. This makes it necessary for businesses dealing with logistics and transport to integrate automated ID verification solutions. Robust identity verification establishes transparency and can make it safe, secure, convenient for dealers and customers to operate smoothly.

We aid to:

  • Deter supply chain fraud
  • Satisfy user experience
  • Facial recognition
  • Liveness detection
industries transport
industries education


Schools and universities have shifted to e-learning platforms owing to digital transformation. This has made it quite easier for students to access courses as well as for teachers to manage the database. However, it comes with a huge cost. Digital processes introduce risks to account takeovers, sign-ups using fake IDs, and more. Educational institutions need to establish a secure registration process in order to enroll only legitimate students.

We make possible:
  • Real-time student authentication
  • Quick registration experience
  • Global coverage
  • Protect student, faculty data

How Can We Help

identity verification
Identity Verification

Determine the authenticity of the customer by verifying identity documents, biometric verification across the globe.

kyc aml compliance
KYC/AML Compliance

Comply with regulatory obligations and screen the customers for terrorism financing or money laundering.

know your business
KYB – Know Your Business

Perform business verification, ensure due diligence by obtaining official company database using APIs.

age verification
Age Verification

Verify customers’ ages with streamlined onboarding. Identify red flags, beat fraudsters at ease.

watchlists screening
Sanctions Lists/Watchlists Screening

Know if the potential customer/player belongs to the sanctions lists. Keep PEPs out, prevent fraud.

address verification
Address Verification

Verify the validity of the address of your customer. Check if the format, identity data, location, etc. is reliable.

Contact Us

Uncover reliable solutions that facilitate smooth identity verification, user-friendly journeys,
and fraud deterrence.

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